AI 绘画提示词灵感!9 种水果镶嵌玻璃艺术风格探索

AI 绘画提示词灵感!9 种水果镶嵌玻璃艺术风格探索

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Embroidered Glass,是一种历史悠久的装饰艺术形式,将彩色玻璃切割成特定形状后,用金属条拼接成图案的装饰艺术,在光的映照下,散发出迷人的色彩魅力。
Prompt:Close-up view of a xxx made of transparent hard candy material, its surface intricately decorated with a cloisonné-inspired pattern of vibrant, semi-transparent enamel compartments separated by thin, gold-colored metal wireframes. The xxx's rough, textured surface and the cloisonné pattern create a captivating interplay of light and color, with the translucent candy material allowing light to pass through and illuminate the intricate design from within. The xxx is set against a rich, dark background, emphasizing the luminous quality of the candy material and the opulent beauty of the cloisonné craftsmanship. --personalize xn91m27 --stylize 1000 --v 6.1
使用说明:Prompt中三处 xxx 替换成想要的水果或物品
水果举例:苹果 - Apple、香蕉 - Banana、橙子 - Orange、草莓 - Strawberry、葡萄 - Grape、西瓜 - watermelon、柠檬 - Lemon、菠萝 - Pineapple、梨 - Pear、桃子 - Peach、樱桃 - Cherry、猕猴桃 - Kiwifruit、芒果 - Mango、蓝莓 - Blueberry、黑莓 - Blackberry、覆盆子 - Raspberry、杏 - Apricot、李子 - Plum、石榴 - Pomegranate、柿子 - Persimmon


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AI 绘画提示词灵感!9 种水果镶嵌玻璃艺术风格探索
AI 绘画提示词灵感!9 种水果镶嵌玻璃艺术风格探索
AI 绘画提示词灵感!9 种水果镶嵌玻璃艺术风格探索
AI 绘画提示词灵感!9 种水果镶嵌玻璃艺术风格探索
AI 绘画提示词灵感!9 种水果镶嵌玻璃艺术风格探索
AI 绘画提示词灵感!9 种水果镶嵌玻璃艺术风格探索
AI 绘画提示词灵感!9 种水果镶嵌玻璃艺术风格探索
AI 绘画提示词灵感!9 种水果镶嵌玻璃艺术风格探索
AI 绘画提示词灵感!9 种水果镶嵌玻璃艺术风格探索
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