超详细!手把手教你用 AI 设计开学季海报!

超详细!手把手教你用 AI 设计开学季海报!

评论有奖阅读 1.1w

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👋 碎碎念:我真的是拖延症重度患者,很早就生成的内容现在才发出来
🌟 关键词框架
A cute boy is jumping up, wearing blue shoes and a yellow short-sleeved shirt with a cap on his head, big eyes, and a smiling expression, wearing an orange backpack
Pixar-style characters, 3D rendering, a 45-degree angle
Octane render, high resolution, and highly detailed
🌟 背景生成
A clean and simple background illustration of the vast blue sky above, a few white clouds floating in it, School Scene, Low rise teaching building, a red runway:: leading to an teaching building on both sides, green trees at each corner, The whole scene is full of vitality and energy. In the style of anime, high resolution, bright colors
🌟 PS 合成
在 PS 中将人物抠图,修饰视觉 bug,通过内发光等技法,将人物与背景融合,适当增加背光效果,突出人物造型,最后添加标题,完成海报设计

AIGC Yaoooo铁粉AIGC达人

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超详细!手把手教你用 AI 设计开学季海报!
超详细!手把手教你用 AI 设计开学季海报!
超详细!手把手教你用 AI 设计开学季海报!
超详细!手把手教你用 AI 设计开学季海报!
超详细!手把手教你用 AI 设计开学季海报!
超详细!手把手教你用 AI 设计开学季海报!
超详细!手把手教你用 AI 设计开学季海报!
超详细!手把手教你用 AI 设计开学季海报!
收藏 45干货满满
点赞 58
AIGC 概念摄影!这么拍男士洁面...也太帅了吧
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